Trinity is an Earth Care Congregation.
Trinity is officially certified as an Earth Care Congregation as of March 2020, joining 264 other Presbyterian congregations around the country this year!
The PC(USA)’s Mission Agency runs the Earth Care Congregations certification program. To earn this certification Trinity had to form an Earth Care Team, fill out an extensive self-audit of our worship, facilities, education, and outreach practices, and our session had to approve the Earth Care Pledge.
This certification is a small part of the Church’s effort to live into a vision of wholeness that doesn’t exist yet. Planting trees and spreading mulch are one way to participate in the larger effort of building a supportive and open community, striving for racial justice, and loving and learning from neighbors. It is a tool to facilitate discussions about how the church can better steward creation and love our neighbors.
In the coming year we will be discussing other ways our congregation can be stewards of the environment in our actions, education, and witness. If you are interested in joining the Earth Care Team or have ideas, please contact Steve Gillard.
What are we doing as an Earth Care Congregation?

- Earth Care Sunday School Class Fall 2023
- Earth Care Team Reflection November 2021
- Plastic Bag Challenge October 2021
- TLC for trees February 2020