Adult Education
In person or online, Trinity offers a variety of classes for Adults. Trinity’s Adult Education program goes beyond Sunday School Classes to include small group studies like Bible Disciple and Companions in Christ, as well as a book club, a book study group, a contemplative prayer group, and other opportunities which can be formed as there are enough people interested in participating. Most of the classes are drop in and last about 8 weeks. You are invited to drop in and try it out. Questions? Email Ben, Dir. of Spiritual Formation
Horizons Women’s Small Group
4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm
Companions in Christ study group
Atwood Room
9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
The Thursday morning Companions in Christ group studies a different book each year. This class has reached is maximum number of participants. If you are interested in other morning classes, please contact Ben Stewart.
Thursday Morning Book Study
9:45 – 11:30 a.m.
Classroom A
Leaders: Class Participants Rotate leadership
Every Wednesday gather for scripture and discussion. No need for prior Bible knowledge or reading! Interested? Contact Ben Stewart.
Adult Education: A Time of Meditation
During this two-week class, you will meet representatives from each of Trinity’s ministry teams and hear about what our Ministries are currently doing and ways you can participate in our collective ministry as a church.
- May 12 Ministry Presentations
- May 19 Ministry Presentations
Inspired by the book “Questions Jesus asked” by Magrey R. DeVega, this four week class will consider some of the questions that Jesus asked the disciples and what the answer to the those questions mean to us.
Who do you say I am? Why are you afraid? What do you live for? What are you looking for?
You don’t have to buy the book.