
Come Home For Christmas

Advent is a season of beginnings and endings.

We hope that you can join us as we prepare for the birth of Jesus to bring some things to an end and spark life into some new beginnings.

We need your light and voice!

Advent Candle Lighter/Reader (and Ushers)

Please be a part of worship this Advent and Christmas. This is a wonderful way to give back and be part of the service in a hands on way! We invite you, a group, or a family to light the Advent candles and do a short reading each Sunday at worship and on Christmas Eve. We also invite you to be an usher or slide runner during these services.  Sign up here.

Alternative Giving Fair December 1st

On Sunday, December 1st from 8:30-12:30 you will have a wonderful opportunity to purchase gifts that make a difference in the world.

Heifer International-where you gift initially helps a family who in turn gives back by providing support to their community.

Ten Thousand Villages-where you can purchase crafts and other wares from artisans in developing countries who through this enterprise are provided an opportunity to earn income and provide for their families and communities.

Olive Oil from Palestine– where we are able to support efforts for Peace in the Middle East.

Offender Aid and Restoration-which works with individuals returning from incarceration & their families to offer alternative sentencing options (including community service) and diversion programs so people can avoid the trauma of incarceration & instead help the community thrive.

Resilient Threads- weaving that provides income for families in Guatemala.

Gift cards that describe your donation are available for each contribution.  Donations/purchases will be made out to the participating organizations, so bring your checkbook! 

You can also shop online 

Interested in helping?  Please contact Jocelyn Hunn at


Advent Family Craft Workshop – Dec. 1st

The Annual Advent Family Craft Workshop will be held on Sunday, December 1st, in the Narthex from 3:30 pm -5 p.m. There will be plenty of craft opportunities for kids, as well as the popular living greens Advent Wreath station.   It’s a great way to make some wonderful gifts while getting in the Christmas spirit. The cost for the event is free, except for a small charge of $10 for those interested in making the Advent Wreath (a tabletop living greens wreath with candles).   Reserve your wreath spot today by using this sign up. Reservations are not necessary for the other crafts. 

Gift Wrapping Dec. 1- 15

You can help Arlington residents who are facing emergency needs by having your gifts wrapped this December and donating money to Arlington Thrive.

Nene and her team will offer gift wrapping each Sunday in December (1st, 8th, and 15th)

8am -1pm.

You can drop your gifts off and pick them up the next Sunday or at the chili dinner on December 15th. The gift wrapping is donation based. See the table at the Gift market on Dec. 1st or in the preschool hallway by Room 11 on the other Sundays.

Advent Worship


One of the nicest seasonal traditions at Trinity is Wednesday worship during Advent.  Each of this year’s three services is designed to help you find the peace and joy of the season.  

These casual services begin at 7:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary.

December 4th led by Carol Feather Martin,

December 11th led by Keeley Harris

December 18th Katherine Nichols.  

Stop in, breathe deeply, and step away from all the craziness of commercial Christmas.

Seasonal Music

 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary

On December Sundays we will have an extended prelude where Trinity musicians of all kinds will be offering seasonal music. You may come after Sunday School and leave before the beginning of the 11:15 Traditional Worship Service, or come prior to attending the Traditional service. 




College Student  Meet-Up

We invite college students and recent graduates to join us on December 22 at 5:00 p.m. for a meet-up. 

Contact Keeley Harris

Cookie Exchange and Caroling – Dec. 9th

The Annual Cookie Exchange will take place on Monday, December 9th at 7:00 PM beginning with Christmas carols in the sanctuary.  Please join us for carols and then those interested will exchange cookies at 7:30 PM!  All bakers and singers are welcome.  If you want to just come and sing carols, snacks will be provided afterward.  For those interested in exchanging cookies, please bring 4 dozen cookies (48!) and package them in 16 Ziploc bags with three cookies per bag.  You will go home with 16 bags of three cookies and enjoy a variety while only having to bake one batch! 

For any questions, please contact Jocelyn Hunn at

Christmas Memorial Flowers 2023

We will collect contributions for memorial poinsettias and recognize each memorial gift in the December 22nd and Christmas Eve worship bulletins.   We are asking for a minimum donation of $20.00 per dedication.  You may choose to take your plant home after the Christmas Eve service or help deliver to either VHC or the homebound.

Please complete the form online or in the newsletter. You may make checks payable to Trinity Presbyterian Church, annotated “Christmas Flower” (or poinsettia if you are a good speller). Drop the form in the offering plate on Sunday morning or return the form to the church office no later than Tuesday, December 10th. You can also pay online (please cover the transaction costs) and note “Christmas flower.”

Caroling, Chili, Living Nativity – Dec. 15th

This popular evening begins with all carolers meeting in the Narthex at 5 p.m. to head out in the neighborhood to sing. Lyric sheets are provided, so come sing even if you only know the chorus to “Jingle Bells.”  A delicious chili supper will follow in Fellowship Hall at 6 p.m.  Please sign up here to bring chili or sides. The youth production of the Not Your Typical Nativity, a unique interpretation of the Christmas story, is in the Sanctuary at 7 p.m. Thank you to the Abigail Circle for hosting the chili dinner.