9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship
10:10 a.m. Education time
11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship
Youth Group
Wednesday Bible Study
Horizon’s Bible Study
Caregiver’s Support Group
Zoom Coffee Hour
Social Media Photograph Release Form (please fill this out!)
The Outreach ministry would like to be able to use more photos of Trinity members in action on our website and social media platforms. We respect that some people would prefer to not have their images on public platforms, so we are asking for a simple photo release from each Trinity household. To sign the release, you can use the Church Connect link to the right and scroll until you see the Photograph Release Form. As a reminder, Church Connect is your one stop shop! See below for how to add a quick link to your phone (just like an app) or bookmark on your computer if you have not already done so! We can also fill out the form for you if you don’t have easy access to Church Connect, please ask church office and we will do so.
Church Connect
Trinity’s Official One Stop Shop!
Looking for the calendar, announcements, bulletin, giving platform? We now have a one stop shop for Trinity members called Church Connect, which you have already used to sign up for the online directory! Church Connect is also a portal that you can link (like an app) on your phone, or bookmark on your computer (it is called “Connect”)! In the fall we will be using this portal regularly for members and visitors so access it now and get ahead of the game! Church Connect is your secure portal to the bulletin, directory, enews, giving, sign ups, announcements, prayer requests and more! How do you access it? Glad you asked! Just go to To put the webpage on your phone (like an app) for easier access here are some simple instructions. If you have questions or need help contact