These are podcasts about Trinity. Some weeks it will be an interview with a member of our congregation, other weeks it will be a conversation on a certain topic, it might even be an interview with a special guest.
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Episode 30 – Communion
- Judith and Ben sat down and talked about the other Presbyterian sacrament, Communion.
Episode 29 –Baptism
- Judith and Ben sat down and talked about John the Baptist, Jesus getting Baptized and what Presbyterians think about Baptism.
Episode 28 –Year with Creation.
- Judith and Ben sat down and talked about the new theme “a year with creation”. They also talked about the book of Sirach and the Irish Mystics. You can also check Pastor Judith’s website that she mentioned
Episode 27 –Stuart Mapes
- Judith and Ben sat down with the new Youth Director to find out a little bit more about him.
Episode 26 – College by college students
- Ben sat down with two college students and recent college graduate to talk about their High school experience and what college is like.
Episode 25 – Acts
- Judith and Ben talk about the sermon series on the book of Acts.
Episode 24 – Holy Week
- Judith and Ben talk about Holy Week and the things that are happening at Trinity.
Episode 23 – Gil Klein
- *Sorry for the sound quality. We didn’t turn Judith’s mic on until part way through. Judith and Ben sit down and talk to author Gil Klein about his work and putting together the updated History Of Trinity.
Episode 22 – Pam Michell
- Ben sat down with Pam Michell to talk about her life and role as Executive Director of New Hope Housing.
Episode 21- Racial Justice Group
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down with Magda and Aida to talk about their involvement in the Racial Justice Group. They find out about the things the group has done and the plans for the future.
Episode 20- 3rd Week of Advent 2018
- Pastor Judith and Ben talk about what is coming up at Trinity during the last week of Advent.
Episode 19 – 2nd Week of Advent 2018
- Pastor Judith and Ben talk about righteousness and advent
Episode 18 – Advent 2018
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down and talk about advent
Episode 17 – Politics
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down and talk about politics.
Episode 16 – Commitment Sunday
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down to talk about the up coming Commitment Sunday.
Episode 15 – Questions part 2
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down to answer some more questions that were provided by one of Trinity’s circles. This time on the role of church in our lives.
Episode 14 – Questions part 1
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down to answer some questions that were provided by one of Trinity’s circles.
Episode 13 – Personal Journey
- Pastor Judith and Ben, talk about the guided personal journey that Pastor Judith puts in the bulletin every week.
Episode 12 – Rally Day
- Pastor Judith and Ben, talk about Rally day and the theme for the year.
Episode 11 – The Shoebox Project
- Ben sat down with Chloe, Alaina and Maria to talk about the Shoebox Project that they were in charge of this year.
Episode 10 – Pentecost
- Pastor Judith and Ben talk about Pentecost Sunday.
Episode 9 – Rob Vaughan (intern)
- Pastor Judith and Ben sat down with Trinity intern Rob to find out what it took for him to end up on Trinity’s door step and what his plans for the future might be.
Episode 8 – Belonging Part 1
- Pastor Judith and Ben talk about the new sermon series “Belonging”.
Episode 7 – Lent part III
- Pastor Judith and Ben talk about shame, belonging and Judith’s new sermon series starting on Easter Sunday.
Episode 6 – Lent part II
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down to talk about Palm Sunday, Easter and our shadow self.
Episode 5 – George and Jean Meek
- George and Jean sat down with us and shared some stories from their incredibly interesting life. They left us wanting to hear more …
Episode 4 – Tent of Nations
- Pastor Judith and Ben sit down to talk with Bill Plitt, Daoud and Jihan Nassar about the Tent of Nations.You can read more about the tent of nations at
Episode 3 – Lent 2018
- Pastor Judith and Ben talk about the church season of Lent.
Episode 2 – Gratitude
- Judith and Ben talk about Judith’s recent sermon series on gratitude.
Episode 1 – Bill Plitt
- Get to know Bill Plitt. He is a long time Trinity member, the Moderator of National Capital Presbytery and all round awesome guy.