Adult Education

In person or online, Trinity offers a variety of classes for Adults.  Trinity’s Adult Education program goes beyond Sunday School Classes to include small group studies like Bible Disciple and Companions in Christ, as well as a book club, a book study group, a contemplative prayer group, and other opportunities which can be formed as there are enough people interested in participating. Most of the classes are drop in and last about 8 weeks.  You are invited to drop in and try it out. Questions?  Email Ben, Dir. of Spiritual Formation


Horizons Women’s Small Group
Monthly in the evening
4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm
Interested in a women’s small group study that meets monthly? Come join the Horizons group. We will be reading “God’s Promise: I Am With You.” New members always welcome; contact Beth B. for more information.

Thursday Morning Book Study

9:45 – 11:30 a.m.
Classroom A
Leaders: Class Participants Rotate leadership
The Thursday Morning Class is a loose group of folks who meet to think and talk about spiritual, Biblical, ethical, and practical things. We share leadership (and, during normal times, snacks) and generally have something specific to spark our discussions.
We meet every Thursday at 10:00 for a couple of hours of discussion centered around a book we hope will add to our knowledge of the Bible, spirituality, or Christian living. Please email Sue Bodner if you are interested.
Wednesday Bible Study.
In Classroom A
Wednesday 7:30-8:30p.m.

Every Wednesday gather for scripture and discussion. No need for prior Bible knowledge or reading! Interested? Contact Ben Stewart.




Adult Education Sunday Morning

Adult Education: A Time of Meditation

If you need or want a few moments to gather your thoughts, feed your soul and steady your faith during the busy advent season the meditation room is open on a Sunday morning.   Some Sunday’s there will be a leader to guide your thoughts on other Sunday’s there will be self-guided meditations. The Meditation Room is on the upper level of the Narthex.
Trinity Ministry’s Class

During this two-week class, you will meet representatives from each of Trinity’s ministry teams and hear about what our Ministries are currently doing and ways you can participate in our collective ministry as a church.

  • May 12         Ministry Presentations
  • May 19      Ministry Presentations